After viewing the first 20 minutes of landmark cyberpunk film Blade Runner (1982) which was released when Gibson had written a third of the novel, he "figured was sunk, done for. Given a year to complete the work, Gibson undertook the actual writing out of "blind animal terror" at the obligation to write an entire novel – a feat which he felt he was "four or five years away from".

Neuromancer was commissioned by Terry Carr for the third series of Ace Science Fiction Specials, which was intended to exclusively feature debut novels. The term "Screaming Fist" was taken from the song of the same name by legendary Toronto punk rock band The Viletones. Author Robert Stone, a "master of a certain kind of paranoid fiction", was a primary influence on the novel. Gibson heard the term " flatlining" in a bar around twenty years before writing Neuromancer and it stuck with him.

John Carpenter's Escape from New York (1981) was an influence on the novel Gibson was "intrigued by the exchange in one of the opening scenes where the Warden says to Snake 'You flew the Gulfire over Leningrad, didn't you?' It turns out to be just a throwaway line, but for a moment it worked like the best SF, where a casual reference can imply a lot." The novel's street and computer slang dialogue derives from the vocabulary of subcultures, particularly "1969 Toronto dope dealer's slang, or biker talk". The themes which he developed in this early short fiction, the Sprawl setting of " Burning Chrome" (1982) and the character of Molly Millions from " Johnny Mnemonic" (1981) laid the foundations for the novel. Prior to the composition of Neuromancer, Gibson had written several short stories for prominent science fiction periodicals – mostly noir countercultural narratives concerning low-life protagonists in near-future encounters with cyberspace.