The central story follows the journalist/blogger sister and brother team of Georgia and Shaun Mason, who through what seems to be a stroke of blind luck find themselves on the campaign trail with Senator Ryman -a man who could be the nation’s last hope for sanity in a world torn apart by the undead, along with fundamentalist religious and political factions. I can not tell you dear readers just how much I have enjoyed this book, and at a whopping 590 pages in paperback format which was released by Orbit books, it is a fantastically fast read.
Here we have a book that broaches a subject that seems to be more in line with what most critics would call “literary fiction.” But Feed has it in spades, not only is it a book that I believe will be something of a jumping on point for the zombie fiction of the twenty first century, it completely lapses itself back and forth from the pursuit of truth to the pursuit of survival against government conspiracies, to survival against hordes of the undead. Here we have the ultimate pursuit of truth slipstreamed through both science fiction and horror. Which brings me to the original point of this review, a bold new horror novel from Orbit Books: Feed by Mira Grant. But what I do remember from those years was that Journalism is and should always be the pursuit of one thing and one thing only: The truth. When I was in college there were a few things that I actually studied, apart from where the closest coffee shop was and where I could get a fresh pack of smokes.( authors note: don’t start kiddies, blah, blah, blah) Anyway- I also studied journalism and what, at the time, the institution called “mass communications.” Which is a really pathetic way to say that I studied the news, the media, and how it was all changing, so way, way back in the fall of 98 I was sitting in this really drab room in a really drab building and thought to myself, what am I doing? I missed my original opportunity and I can say that until as of late I have yet to make back up the ground I have lost since.